Are You Fascinated By Ancient History?  

Posted by Budding Historian in

Have you ever wondered how and why the seven wonders were built? Why Julius Caesar is so famous? How the Romans managed to control such a massive empire in primitive times? Have you ever wondered how Stonehenge was built, or what the first known civilization was?

If so, this blog is for you. Ever since my 6th teacher introduced me to the ancient world, I have been totally fascinated. I have poured over many books on the subject--and learned much about life in antiquity. In fact, sometimes I just wish I could write down all of my opinions, my analysis, and my speculation, and pour over it again, revising and updating. With this blog I will have the chance to do so.

I will answer questions such as "Which was the first civilization to achieve social equality?" and "Where, if you were a women, would you be best treated?" I will also delve into deeper speculation such as, "Was there alien contact 5,000 years ago?" and "Was there really a universal flood like mentioned in the Bible?"

I can promise you now--this is NOT going to be a blog full of boring history lessons. In fact, I will hardly present you with lessons at all--but this will be a place where I can give my opinions on such civilizations as the Mongols and Celts, and really explore the mysteries of the ancient past.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, July 8, 2008 at Tuesday, July 08, 2008 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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